An excellent review of the influence of sea level on mid-ocean ridge magmatism was recently published in Earth Magazine.
The paper by Schmittner and Lund in Climate of the Past about the impact of the Atlantic overturning circulation on carbon isotope anomalies in the ocean and atmopshere is discussed here.
Allyson Tessin's paper in Paleoceanography on carbon isotopic anomalies in the SW Atlantic was highlighted in the Editor's Choice section of Science.
The paper by Lund et al. in Nature Geoscience about deep Pacific circulation was highlighted on the website Science Daily. A related radio interview with D. Lund about the ice ages and long-term levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide can be found here.
The Science paper by Licciardi et al. (2009) on glacier advances in the Peruvian Andes is discussed here.
Discussion of the 2006 Nature paper by Lund et al. on the strength of the Gulf Stream during the Little Ice Age can be found here.