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Avery Point Paleoclimate Lab 

About Us


Research in the Avery Point Paleo Lab (APPL) focuses on the mechanisms that govern Earth's climate variability on centennial and longer timescales.


Areas of research include: quantitative estimates of the ocean circulation and sea ice extent, the ocean's role in the global carbon cycle, and long-term variations in mid-ocean ridge hydrothermal and volcanic activity.


Research in APPL is based on a range of lab techniques, including analyses of stable isotopes, trace element concentrations, helium isotopes, U/Th, and radiocarbon.

Recent News


- PhD
student Monica Garity and lab manager/ICPMS technician Sarah McCart present at Fall AGU in Washington, DC

- New technician Cornelia Hatfield from the Marine Science Magnet High School joins the lab - welcome Cornelia!

- Master's student Ethan Taylor successfully defends his thesis on the depth habitat of G. bulloides in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean

- Dr. Sarah Shackleton
, Assistant Scientist at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, presents in the Marine Science Department seminar series 

- New PhD student Erin Leathrum (M.S. Oceanography, University of Delaware) joins the Avery Point Paleoclimate Lab - welcome Erin!

- Incoming UConn freshman Zachary Jones joins the lab group - welcome Zach!

- Dr. Allison Jacobel, Assistant Professor at Middlebury College, presents in the Marine Science Department seminar series 

- Manuscript by Monica Garity (Ph.D. student) entitled 'Multi-proxy evidence for Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation weakening during deglaciations of the past 150,000 years' published in Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology

- Manuscript by Alec Stub (M.S. student) and Monica Garity (Ph.D. student) entitled 'Brazil Margin stable isotope profiles for the last glacial cycle: Implications for watermass geometry and oceanic carbon storage' published in Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology


- Lund lab presents at Fall AGU meeting in San Francisco, including presentations by Monica Garity (Ph.D. student), Ethan Taylor (M.S. student), and Sarah McCart (lab manager/super tech)

- Sea-going proposal entitled "Collaborative Research - Resolving the LGM ventilation age conundrum: New radiocarbon records from high sedimentation rate sites in the deep western Pacific" funded by NSF Marine Geology and Geophysics Program

- Manuscript by Monica Garity (Ph.D. student) entitled 'Multi-proxy evidence for Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation weakening during deglaciations of the past 150,000 years' accepted for publication in Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology

- Manuscript by Alec Stub (M.S. student) and Monica Garity (Ph.D. student) entitled 'Brazil Margin stable isotope profiles for the last glacial cycle: Implications for watermass geometry and oceanic carbon storage' accepted for publication in Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology

- Dr. Alan Seltzer, Assistant Scientist at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, presents in the Marine Science Department seminar series

- Dr. Sophie Hines, Assistant Scientist at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, presents in the Marine Science Department seminar series

- Two new high school students start summer research projects in the lab, including Ko Parlagreco (Marine Science Magnet School) and Ella Booc (Fitch High School)

- Hope Jerris (Middlebury College) starts her NSF REU project in the Avery Point Paleoclimate Lab.  See here for video of previous REU student Jacquelyn McBride explaining her project. 

- Proposal entitled "Was the deep Atlantic dominated by southern source waters during the LGM? A conservative view based on the oxygen isotopic ratio of benthic foraminifera" funded by NSF Marine Geology and Geophysics Program

- Paper by Muglia et al. on compilation of high-resolution stable isotope data published in Nature Scientific Data

Manuscript by Monica Garity (Ph.D. student) entitled 'Multi-proxy evidence for Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation weakening during deglaciations of the past 150,000 years' submitted to Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology

Manuscript by Alec Stub (M.S. student) entitled 'Brazil Margin stable isotope profiles for the last glacial cycle: Implications for watermass geometry and oceanic carbon storage' submitted to Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology


Proposal entitled "Anomalous mid-ocean ridge volcanism during glacial terminations: Exploring new archives from the East Pacific Rise" funded by UConn College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

- Dr. Baerbel Hoenisch, Dansgaard Award winner and AGU Emiliani lecturer, presents in the Marine Science Department seminar series

- Dr. Katherine Allen, Associate Professor at the University of Maine, presents in the Marine Science Department seminar series

- NSF REU student Jacquelyn McBride presents her project results showing evidence for ocean acidification during the last major drop in atmospheric carbon dioxide 

- Lab group travels to Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory for deep sea sediment sampling party

- Undergraduate Jacquelyn McBride begins her project as part of the NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU)

- Dr. Erika Marin-Spiotta, AGU Fellow and Presidential Early Career Award winner, visits Marine Science Department to discuss ADVANCEGeo survey results

- Undergraduate Walker Melzen completes his honors thesis project on hydrothermal plume fallout along the East Pacific Rise

- Review paper on Southern Ocean sea ice reconstruction techniques published in Climate of the Past.

- Paper on oceanic carbon release during the last deglaciation published in Nature Geoscience.

- Dr. Peter Clark, AAAS and AGU Fellow and professor at Oregon State University, visits the Marine Science Department.

- Ph.D. candidate Monica Garity presents her research in the 'Advances in Understanding the Global Meridional Overturning Circulation' session at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting

- Dr. Danny Sigman, MacArthur Fellow and professor at Princeton University, visits the Marine Science Department 

- Dave gives presents new deep Pacific radiocarbon results at the Geological Society America Meeting in Portland

- New Ph.D. candidate Ethan Taylor starts at the Avery Point Paleoclimate Lab

- Ph.D. candidate Monica Garity begins University of Potsdam virtual summer school on 'Trends, Rhythms, Events in Earth's Climate System - Past, Present, and Future'

- Ph.D. candidate Monica Garity presents at the biennial Feng Colloquium in the Department of Marine Sciences

- Undergraduate Walker Melzen begins honors thesis project on hydrothermal activity along the East Pacific Rise

- Paper on new method for reconstructing sea ice extent published in Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology

- Former M.S. student Alec Shub begins Knauss Fellowship with the
NOAA Climate Program Office

- Ph.D. candidate Monica Garity successfully passes her qualifying exams - congratulations Monica!


- M.S. graduate student Alec Shub working with Governor's Council on Climate Change


- Sarah McCart successfully defends her Master's thesis entitled: "Assessing the sea level hypothesis with hydrothermal and volcanic ash records from the East Pacific Rise and Pacific-Antarctic Ridge"

- Alec Shub successfully defends his Master's thesis entitled: "Deep South Atlantic watermass variability during the last glacial cycle: New stable isotope records from the Brazil Margin"  

- Ph.D. candidate Monica Garity presents her research entitled "Carbon isotope evidence for AMOC weakening during deglaciations of the past 140 ka" at the PAGES Quaternary Interglacial Meeting

- Grant awarded for "Do metalliferous sediments record mid-ocean ridge hydrothermal activity: Constraining the roles of iron oxidation rate and 230Th scavenging" by NSF Marine Geology and Geophysics

- Graduate student Alec Shub awarded prestigious Knauss Marine Policy Fellowship in Washington, D.C.

- Grant awarded for "Tracking Southern Ocean sea ice extent and frontal positions: Novel techniques based on oxygen isotope and Mg/Ca analyses of foraminifera" by NSF Paleo Perspectives on Climate Change

- Publication of 230Th review paper by Costa et al. in Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology

Dave begins sabbatical at the University of Tasmania, collaborating with Drs. Zanna Chase and Rebecca Carey


- Sampling trip to Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Core Repository

International Conference on Paleoceanography (ICP), Sydney, Australia 
  - Graduate student Alec Shub presented on new stable isotope profiles from the Brazil Margin
  - Dave presented on evidence for hydrothermal scavenging of 230Th along the East Pacific Rise

- Compilation of consistently dated sediment cores published by Waelbroeck et al. in Scientific Data

- New Ph.D. student Monica Garity (B.S. UC Santa Barbara) joins the lab

- Publication of manuscript by graduate student Matt Lacerra in Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology

Sampling trip to Columbia University's Lamont Doherty Core Repository

Publication of South Atlantic sub-surface warming paper by Umling et al. in Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology

- Incoming Ph.D. student Monica Garity (B.S. Earth Sciences, UCSB) awarded prestigious Harriott Fellowship from the UCONN Graduate School

- Publication of air-sea carbon isotope equilibration paper in Environmental Research Letters

- Publication of East Pacific Rise hydrothermal scavenging paper in Earth and Planetary Science Letters


- Manuscript by Matt Lacerra (M.S. student) entitled 'Less remineralized carbon in the intermediate depth South Atlantic during Heinrich Stadial 1 ' submitted to Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology

- Invited manuscript entitled 'Carbon isotope minima in the South Atlantic during the last deglaciation: Evaluating the influence of air-sea gas exchange' submitted to Environmental Research Letters 

- Two new M.S. graduate students join the lab:  Sarah McCart (B.S. Marine Sciences, UCONN) and Alec Shub (B.A. Geology, Macalaster College)

- Publication of Pacific-Antarctic Ridge volcanism paper in G-cubed

- Goldschmidt International Conference, Boston, MA

- Matt presented on the biological pump hypothesis and AMOC during HS1

- Dave presented on the biogeochemical impact of AMOC collapse using South Atlantic records spanning MIS 2-6

- Sarah presented a poster on the newly published Pacific-Antarctic Ridge volcanism paper

- Matt presented his M.S. thesis defense on the biological pump hypothesis
- Grant awarded for "Anomalous submarine volcanism during glacial terminations: Exploring archives from the global mid-ocean ridge system" project by NSF Marine Geology and Geophysics

- Sampling trip to Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Core Repository 

- Grant awarded for "The Atlantic's role in ice age inception and termination: Assessing carbon storage and release with new Brazil Margin profiles form MIS 2 to MIS 6" project by NSF Paleo Perspectives on Climate Change program

Department of Marine Sciences - University of Connecticut - Avery Point 

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